Contact Us

Level 2
194 Varsity Parade
Varsity Lakes QLD 4227

Telephone: (07) 5535 3668
Mobile: 0415 214 464


Privacy Policy

NIMS (Glynis J. Flanagan) is aware of and committed to the privacy of all information provided to it via referral of clients. NIMS is bound by the National Privacy Principles as in the Privacy Act 1988. (Commonwealth Privacy Act)

All personal information that is provided to Nahoon Injury Management services Pty Ltd is privy to only the staff who require the knowledge in order to undertake the requested services. This information is not made available to other individuals or persons who are not involved in the requested services. All information is securely stored and locked and is only accessible with prior permission from the Director of NIMS.

Medico-legal Services

Medico-legal assessment assesses the impact of the injury on the person’s life and ability to carry out personal and instrumental activities of daily living relevant to that individual person’s lifestyle.

Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational Therapy services include Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (domestic and life skills tasks) Assessments and Programs and much more.

Case Management

Case management includes coordinating treatment & rehabilitation; assistance with establishing attendant care services if required, monitoring services; assisting the client to establish & achieve realistic goals.